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At Clark-Shawnee we are proud to participate in the National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs. We invite all students to participate in our optional school breakfast and lunch programs. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the parent or guardian to provide breakfast and lunch for their child while in school. For the 2024-2025 school year, breakfast and lunch meals are offered to students each day on a pricing plan.

The prices for school lunch meals are as follows:

Elementary– PreK to Grade 6
Lunch–Full Price: $3.50
Lunch–Reduced: $0.00 [FREE through
June 30, 2025 per State Budget Bill]
Middle/High School - Grades 7-12
Lunch–Full Price: $3.75
Lunch–Reduced: $0.00 [FREE through
June 30, 2025 per State Budget Bill]

Breakfasts will be available to all students at NO COST for the 2024-2025 school year. This means that all Clark-Shawnee students will have access to free breakfast on days when school is in session, unless otherwise noted.

We encourage parents of students who wish to participate in the program to create a parent PaySchools account. From there, you can manage and monitor your student’s lunch account and/or apply for free or reduced price meals. An online Free & Reduced Price Lunch application is available through PaySchools.

Please note that Free & Reduced Price Lunch applications MUST be submitted every year. Carryover eligibility is available for the first 30 days of the year for students who qualified for benefits in the previous year. 
